Chan​chita Kitchen

Where dreams come true

Rice pudding

1 cup of rice
2 cups of milk
1 tea spoon of cinnamon
1/4 cup of sugar
Cinnamon de decorate 

" W​e made a perfect rice pudding so delicious you will lick your fingers" - Chanchita & Candy

Chia pudding

1 cup of chia seeds
2 cups of coconut milk
few raspberries
few almonds
hand full of coconut
natural yoghurt

"We are preparing some delicious chia seeds pudding with coconut, is pure heaven" - Chanchita&Candy


1 cup of plain flower
1/2 cup of cocoa powder
two tea spoons of vanilla
4 eggs
300 grams of butter

1 pan
59 min 190 degrees

"Today we are making delicious brownies - Canchita&Candy


90g of sugar 
300g of soft cheers 
4 eggs 
¾ cup of cream 
Vanilla flavour 
Genovese cake

"Today we are making delicious tiramisu - Canchita&Candy