Exploring with my friends
Travel and Fun
Take a look at our funny stories from travelling around the world and enjoy in every moment. We have lots of fun on our trips, we are exploring beautiful places, visiting old castles and fortresses, swim in sea, eat ice cream...
Have you ever take an airplane to your favourite destination and have a blast flying? I did and it was magnificent.
Have you ever ride a train while raining outside? Well, is an adventure that you must experience.
Have you ever ride in a real boat? I did. In beautiful Venice and was lot˙s of fun. Is a stylish boat that connects Venice islands. Is a must ride for every stylish piggy.
Have you ever been in one of Venice most famous means of transport, Gondola? I have on many occasions and i must say is one of the best experiences in my life.
Can you see this beautiful old car behind me? It come to pick me up because i am going to a ballet in National Theatre. Is a glam way of transport only for Divas.
Don˙t tell anybody but i am driving my mommy˙s car. It will be our secret. Is fast and luxurious and i love it.
Did you ever ride a horse. No? You must try. Horses are the best. I have many friends that are horses.
Nothing better then old fashion London bus. Red one, of course. Is the best.
Don˙t tell anybody but i am going with Harry to a special place.
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